The Auroville
Today report on Ashram affairs in the issue of October, 2013 is a
“thoroughly researched” (!) presentation of facts by a lawyer who has been
given the job of defending the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust. He has therefore necessarily
presented only one side of the story and has left out all the
events and documents that are not compatible with his whitewashed picture of
the Ashram Trust. The foundation of his thesis is predetermined: the Trustees
are angels fallen from the sky and those who are protesting against them are
hostile forces attacking the Mother’s work. In that case, Auroville should also
be considered as part of that falsehood because the Mother had originally given
the task of building Auroville to Sri Aurobindo Society and not to those who
rebelled against it and brought about a Govt. intervention! Navajat Poddar has indeed
been so much demonised by Aurovillians that I would now like to believe that he
was the Mother’s instrument! Why don’t the Aurovillians don’t even mention him
as the man who first proposed Auroville to the Mother, who then used him as an
instrument to execute it? It is high time that he should be given due credit
for his role.
I will quote below some of the salient passages in the
Auroville Today report and give my
Today: The stand
of the Ashram trustees to the book and the proposed expulsion of Heehs has been
consistently unambiguous. “The Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust does not project
itself in the role of dictating to readers and followers of Sri Aurobindo as to
what they should read and what they should not read. Each person is at complete
liberty to decide for himself whether he finds any book to be meaningful and
useful, or whether he does not find it to be so, and Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust
respects and has full faith in the intellectual and spiritual discernment
of the readers. No one should or needs to force his personal opinions on any
other reader in general, and more particularly on the followers of Sri Aurobindo,”
wrote Dr. Datta, Trustee, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, in a statement given to
the Press. And he added that the issue whether the author of the book, who has
been in the Ashram since the year 1971, can stay in India or not is a matter
that is entirely and exclusively within the purview of the Government of India.
This is indeed laughable. If the stand of the Trustees
with regard to the Lives of Sri Aurobindo
by Peter Heehs is “consistently unambiguous” and leaves it entirely to the
discretion of the readers and followers of Sri Aurobindo, then why was there
such a flip flop on the issue? I will list below passages from a series of
documents which show that the Trust strongly disapproved of the book.
Document 1
Letter of
Manoj Das Gupta, the Managing Trustee, to Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya on 5
October, 2008; a copy of the letter is available in MDG’s own handwriting.
he [Peter Heehs] was so obsessed with
the anti-hagiography idea that in order to prove his credentials as an
objective (does such a thing really exist?) biography, he has at several places
crossed all limits of simple decency.”
[emphasis added]
Document 2
to the Inmates of the Ashram through the Heads of Departments by the Board of
Trustees on 8 October, 2008:
Aurobindo Ashram Trust does not approve and has nothing to do with the book
entitled “The Lives of Sri Aurobindo” written by Mr. Peter Heehs, and Sri
Aurobindo Ashram Trust is not in any way responsible for the contents or the
interpretations of the material contained therein.”
Document 3
Fax by Dilip
Datta to a devotee
on 11 November, 2008
on 11 November, 2008
“We had also
informed you that we had talked to the author and had informed him our
displeasure regarding some aspects of the book and had taken adequately necessary
disciplinary steps as would be required regarding an inmate of the Ashram. This
was as per the needs of the Ashram discipline.”
Document 4
Notice put up on the Ashram Notice Board by the
Managing Trustee on behalf of Board of Trustees on 23 September, 2010:
"It is unfortunate that certain
rumours are being circulated that the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust is in some way
endorsing, supporting or promoting the book "The Lives of Sri
Aurobindo" by Peter Heehs. We would like to re-iterate what has been our
consistent stand since October 2008 namely:
“Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Trust does not approve and has nothing to do with the book entitled "The
Lives of Sri Aurobindo" written by Peter Heehs and Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Trust is not in any way responsible for the contents or the interpretations of
the material contained therein....”
This is to re-affirm that the stand
of the Ashram Trust has been consistent and has remained unchanged. The book is
not sold from any department of the Ashram.
The Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust is
fully aware of its responsibilities and its actions are determined keeping in
view the vision and values it is meant to uphold.
For The Board of Trustees
Managing Trustee
Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust
All the above four
documents have been wilfully omitted by the writer of the Auroville Today report! Why? Because he does not want to show that
Peter Heehs was in the bad books of the Trustees despite all their show of neutrality.
For the information of Aurovillians, Peter Heehs was also removed from the
Archives Dept where he had been working since the last four decades, and a new
editorial board was put in place in order to continue with the publication of
Sri Aurobindo’s works – this new arrangement continues till date. The Trust
could have publicly supported the book if it approved of it instead of keeping
people guessing about its stand. In fact, the joke that went around the Ashram
at one point of time was that Manoj Das Gupta found the book admirable in the
morning and deplorable in the evening, depending upon, I suppose, as to how
much sugar he put in his morning and afternoon tea.
The neutral public stand
that the Trust has taken with regard to Peter Heehs’s book is merely for
self-defence in the Court and to deceive the general public, especially the
Westerners, with a false kind of secularism. The real question is not as to
whether the Ashram is a religious or spiritual institution, but as to whether
the Trustees can take a stand against the interest of the very founder of the
institution, be it religious, spiritual or secular. Had the Trust openly
supported the book, it would have gone against the ban of the Orissa Govt, in
which case it would have been liable to breach of Trust. Had it openly
condemned the book, it would not have remained in the good books of Peter Heehs
and other likeminded Westerners.
Moreover, the liberty the
Trust professes to give to all inmates is only to exonerate Peter Heehs, for it
otherwise took strong action on all those who criticised the book. R.Y.
Deshpande and Radhikaranjan Das were removed from the Higher Course of the Ashram
School; Sraddhalu Ranade, Niranjan Naik, Sudha Sinha and Ramnathan were removed
from their place of work; Togo Mukherjee and others were deprived of their food
coupons in the Ashram Dining Room; and show cause notices were issued to eight
more inmates of the Ashram for going public on the issue. The Auroville Today report has not mentioned
single case of these highly repressive measures the Trust has taken on
its own inmates and other beneficiaries. Such actions in Auroville would have
caused a furore, but in the Ashram it only instilled fear of the authorities,
which is exactly what the Trustees wanted!
Finally, it is quite
clear that most Aurovillians (who are mostly Westerners or Indians dominated by
the opinions of Westerners) support Manoj Das Gupta simply because he did not
withdraw the Ashram’s guarantee for Peter Heehs’s visa. I reproduce below the
resolution passed by its Working Committee curtailing Sraddhalu Ranade from
even expressing
his opinion (!) on Peter Heehs’s book in Auroville:
Auroville Today: One was from the Working Committee of the Residents’
Assembly of the Auroville Foundation, which, on February 29, 2012, made a
public request to Savitri Bhavan to discontinue Shraddhalu’s talks there – they
have since been suspended. Shraddhalu was also not given permission to speak
about The Lives in a public
venue in Auroville a few months later. As a member of the Working Committee
clarified, “It should be stressed that the decision of the Working Committee
and the response of the Bharat Nivas management are not based on the subject of
the announced talk or anyone’s opinion about the controversial book. They are
based on such facts as the following: Sraddhalu is one of those who have
brought a legal case against the Ashram Trust and who in other less obvious
ways have sought to undermine the Trust and so the Ashram itself. In addition,
he was the spearhead of a movement to
deprive a foreign member of the Ashram of the privilege of residing in India
by pulling strings in Delhi. The obvious resemblances between these actions and
the heavy-handedness of the Sri Aurobindo Society during the 1970s should not
be lost on any Aurovilian.” [emphasis added]
Note that the emphasis is
on depriving “a foreign
member of the Ashram of the privilege
of residing in India”, and not on the book of Peter Heehs. So if tomorrow
the Indian Govt. deprives a foreigner the privilege of staying in India for
legitimate reasons, the Govt. would be in the wrong! Is this not a blatantly
racist argument? And is not the Working Committee foolish enough to make it
blatantly appear so, without the least trace of discretion? After all, in
Auroville you are supposed to think in more universal terms, and not with
respect to only foreigners and their visas? On the other hand, the same Working
Committee bars the freedom of speech of a highly educated Indian, who only
wanted to explain to the Aurovillians how the book denigrated Sri Aurobindo and
how it was not good for Auroville in general! Are these not double standards? The
document reproduced below proves to what extent the Ashram management is hand
in glove with some of the Aurovillians.
Document 5
Ashram Trustees lawsuit
By mauna,
2010-10-03 22:55 [3 October,
The suit
filed by several Ashramites at the Puducherry court is a so-called leave petition,
required under the Indian Code of Civil procedure. On Tuesday 5th the court
will meet and decide whether it allows the petition (i.e. allows the
petitioners to file a lawsuit against the Ashram Trustees), or dismisses it.
A number of
residents have expressed concern and asked how they can help. This is what you
can do:
If you have
read the “The Lives of Sri Aurobindo” book by Peter Heehs, which is central in
this affair, you could write a note addressed to the Ashram Trustees,
indicating who you are and giving your opinion about the book.
You would
send your statement directly to Mr Matriprasad, the lawyer involved in the
case, via . Please do so before Monday 4th October,
6.30 pm, so that your statement may be of help during the procedure on
The above document is a leaked email of Mauna in
October 2010 telling other Aurovillians to send a statement to Matriprasad, the
secretary of the Ashram Trust, to help him dismiss the Scheme Suit filed
against the Ashram Trustees. This naturally implies the complicity of
Matriprasad. But then why did the Trust take a neutral position in the Court while
asking at the same time for positive comments from others on the same book? Why
did it quote mostly positive reviews of the book while not declaring its own
position? And what about the circular it sent to all the departments of the
Ashram in October 2008 (Document 2) and the notice it put up on the Ashram
notice Board in September 2010 (Document 4), both of which clearly state that
it did not approve of the book? In the light of the above information, is there
still scope to say that the Trust’s position was always “consistently
unambiguous”? I would rather use the words “consistently devious and deceitful”
to describe the stand of the Trustees right from the beginning the controversy.
Auroville Today: The obvious resemblances between these actions and
the heavy-handedness of the Sri Aurobindo Society during the 1970s should not
be lost on any Aurovilian.”
The fact that Sri Aurobindo Society always maintains a
dignified silence in the face of such nasty statements repeated ad nauseum by some of the Aurovillians
should itself teach them a little humility and the need for introspection.
Events in Auroville after the Mother’s passing away were far more complicated
than the simplistic picture presented by these Aurovillians as the biblical
truth. Both sides can be equally accused of heavy handedness and harsh methods!
If the Aurovillians were harassed by villagers sent by Sri Aurobindo Society as
has been alleged, then the Aurovillians were no less cruel in evicting people
from their houses and throwing out the belongings of those who supported the
Society or even remained neutral in the conflict. Not many people know that a
number of cases were filed against them with the Police of Tamilnadu, all of
which were withdrawn later. So both sides were not angelic in their behaviour! As
a matter of fact, many of the early settlers were deeply disillusioned about
Auroville during this period of conflict and left it for good. In any case,
when the Society has reconciled itself to these unfortunate mishaps of the
past, why don’t the Aurovillians also forget and forgive instead of taking
every opportunity to take a swipe at it? After all, the Society has over 16000
members enrolled with it and has hundreds of centres around India and the world,
where people only aspire to serve Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and for whom
differences between Auroville and Sri
Aurobindo Society don’t matter at all. Finally, I would like to remind the
Aurovillians a millennium old truth, that any institution, be it Auroville, Sri
Aurobindo Society or Sri Aurobindo Ashram, is only a means and not an end in
itself! From that point of view a remote little shack in Ghana (where the flame
of spiritual aspiration has been lit) should be treated with equal respect as
these long standing institutions! So I request the editors of Auroville Today to stop making these
jingoistic statements, come down to more earthly realities and take a sober
look into the past as well as the present. Otherwise the future generations will
laugh at them despite all their pretensions!
Letter of
Manoj Das Gupta, the Managing Trustee,
to Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya on 5
October 2008
Document 1 (4 pages)
![]() |
to the Inmates of the Ashram through
the Heads of Departments by the Board of
Fax by Dilip
Datta to a devotee
on 11 November, 2008 (Document 3)
on 11 November, 2008 (Document 3)
Notice put up on the Ashram Notice Board by the
Managing Trustee on behalf of Board of Trustees
on 23 September, 2010 (Document 4)
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